Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Setting the Stage.................................... 1
Chapter 2: Just the Facts......................................... 19
Chapter 3: Why the Jesus Story is False................. 43
Chapter 4: One Against All..................................... 63
Chapter 5: Reconstructing the Truth....................... 91
Chapter 6: Paul as Destroyer of Gentile Families...113
Chapter 7: Taking Stock..........................................121
Chapter 8: Challenges and Critiques.......................137
Chapter 9: Is the New Testament Pro-Roman?.......161
Chapter 10: What Next?...........................................169
Appendix A: 36 Jesus miracles
Appendix B: A Critique of Aslan's "Zealot"
Appendix C: Pliny's Letter
Could it be that Jesus, the miracle-working Son of God, never existed? That he was merely a man, a social agitator, who managed to get crucified? Yes--or so argues Prof David Skrbina in this compelling and even shocking new book. The weight of evidence strongly suggests that the biblical Jesus never existed, and that what we read in the Bible is an elaborate scheme, a hoax, regarding a divine god-man who came to earth to save humanity. In fact, the story was constructed by Paul and a handful of his friends in order to undermine support for the Roman Empire. This hoax, which seemed so benign at first, resulted in devastating consequences for Western civilization, even as it did, ultimately, contribute to the collapse of the Empire.